From the desk of Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
Between the naming of the school, Mission to the Ukraine, Lag
B'Omer's barbque, 3 on 3 tournament and boating, packing
food for the hungry and student council elections it's
hard to believe that school was supposed to be winding down this
It's still not too late to reserve for this upcoming week's
Yom Yerushalayim Chagiga in honor of the Schneiders and the
school play Fools (details below) and share in the YHS magic.
Students should submit their community service hours
this week to receive credit in order to pass community service for
the year on their report cards and transcripts (call Mrs. Schochet
with any questions).
A correction to last week's high-lites- Daniel Gluck and
Esther Birnbaum were the senior class presidents. Melissa Marder and
Danny Krasna were the student council vice presidents.
Enjoy the extended weekend and encourage your children
to begin studying for finals.
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
Extra, Extra! YHS GETS A
This elderly couple may have passed on from this world
without any biological offspring, but the teenagers of Yeshiva
High School will forever bear their name. Jack and Bessie
Weinbaum desired to leave a legacy of education to the
next generation of Jews with their hard earned life savings.
Our school will from here forward known as the Weinbaum
Yeshiva High School, in their memory.
This gift, which was announced at Sunday night's dinner,
was earmarked towards a permanent campus, which our
burgeoning school desperatedly needs. Negotiations for land
are under way. Thank you to the people at Northern Trust
Bank of Florida for their help with this major gift.
The new Weinbaum Yeshiva High School
sign »
Week in Review |
The most delicious hot dogs and hamburgers that many
had ever tasted were served at Tuesday's (Lag B'Omer)
barbeque lunch in honor of newly born Basya Grossman.
WYHS Judaic studies instructor Mrs. Esther Grossman gave a
dvar Torah and shared powerful stories about her
grandmother and the baby's namesake, Rebetzin Teitz of
Elizabeth, NJ.
After lunch, the candidates for class president of each
grade shared their platforms with the prospective
constituents, and the candidates for vice president and
president spoked to the entire school. Congratuations to
newly elected Student Council, which will begin working
after finals on an even better year (if that's possible) for
the 5764 school year.
There were lots of upsets at the 3 on 3 Basketball
Tournament at the Sportsmall in Deerfield Beach organized
by Rabbi Avi Schneider. Even the soon to be graduates
showed up for this afternoon of physical activity, competition
and fun. Congratulations to the winning team of freshmen Josh
Goldberg, Jordan Lieber and Jonathan Struhl and sophomore
Michael Hande. Our regrets go out to the Rabbis team which was
defeated in a Students vs. Faculty basketball game that
took place there as well.
As you can see in the above picture, the girls had a
blast at West Lake Park in Hollywood canoeing and
On Wednesday, our Tzedekah Committee coordinated by
Mrs. Leba Schneider made its largest gift yet- $ 2,500- to the
Chai Lifeline organization. Southern Region social
worker Mrs. Marilyn Bensiger accpeted the check on behalf of
the worthy organization which provides medical and recreation
services to the families of children afflicted with cancer and
other life threatening diseases.
On Thursday, the Rabbi Sugerman's boys gemara
shiur went to to pack food for the families in need at the
Forster Family Kosher Food Pantry on the Jewish
Federation of South Palm Beach County campus.
Click here for the March of the Living Missed
Work Policy »
We're All FOOLS! |
This upcoming Tuesday night at 7:00 PM our drama
society will present the hilarious Neil Simon comedy
"Fools" at the historic Crest Theatre in downtown Delray
Beach. Click here to
order tickets.
Evening to Remember |
Don't miss Wednesday night's Yom Yerushalayim
chagiga in honor of Rabbi & Mrs. Schneider and
featuring Yeshiva University Rosh Yeshiva Rav Meyer
Goldvicht. Parents and students must RSVP for the dinner
at 6:00 PM. The entire community is invited to join us at 7:00
PM for an inspiring Yom Yerushalayim address by Rav
Goldvicht, presentations to the Schneiders and dancing. There
will be special minyanim for mincha at 6:45 and
maariv after the presentations to the Schneiders.
Remember- To allow for this chagiga, that day,
Wednesday will follow a Thursday schedule and the
following day, Thursday will follow a Wednesday
schedule. Also, there will be no school on Sunday and
Monday in observance of Memorial Day weekend.
Click for Graduation Info »
| |
Everyone Enjoyed the
"UNdinner" |
"Creative", "delicious", "well done"
and "refreshing" were the most often heard comments about
Sunday night's dinner. WYHS Executive Board member Dr. Sam
Lasko of Lasko Caterers created a fantatic "killer shmorg" in
the transformed sanctuary of the Boca Raton Synagogue. Open
seating, plaid tablecloths, sefarim (Jewish books) as
centerpieces and a powerpoint presentation about the benefits
of a WYHS education were amongst the many creative
Rabbi Brander opened the program with a stirring
portrait of four of the innocent civilians that were
murdered earlier that day in a bus bombing in Israel, and an
explanation of how WYHS attempts to have teenagers in America
to relate to such tragedies. Founder Rabbi Brander, President
Pam Turk, Executive Director Shimmie Kaminetsky and Principal
Rabbi Tirschwell shared the highlites of this school year at
the beginning of their presentations to the honorees.
All present felt that honorees (pictured above) Dr. Merv
and Elaine Jacobs, Rabbi Benjy Horowitz and Dr. Jay and Ellen
Adler were truly deserving of the accolades. They are
truly model community, rabbinic and parental leaders. After
the program, the doors opened up to a dessert lover's paradise
(a Viennese table to end all Viennese tables).